Friday, December 19, 2014


But Green Energy Might Also Be Hurt

Recently, the price of oil (light sweet crude) traded at around $54 per barrel. But analysts predict it can go as low as $40. The price of oil in 2008 reached $147 and was trading at around $107 as recently as June of this year. That's almost a 50% drop in just months! The average retail price of gasoline has now dropped to around $2.50 per gallon (or USD $0.66 per liter).

~ How low can oil drop?

Under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has decided to not cut output despite falling prices, creating further downward pressures on oil. This is primarily because non-OPEC nations like the United States, Russia, Canada and others are producing oil and gas at full-steam. So, it makes no sense for OPEC to lose its market share to non-OPEC nations while trying to maintain the status quo by cutting back its own sales, click here.

~ Frigging fracking is fracking...

[Updated Insert – December 22, 2014: Read the article from the "Oil Plummets After Saudis Say $20 Crude Is Possible," click here.]

In fact, shale technology has made the United States the world's largest oil producer in 2014! See our April 14, 2014 article titled, "Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL." (In that article, we had predicted that the U.S. would become number one by 2015; but on August 2nd, we updated a video embedded in the piece to reflect the lastest news.)

~ What is hydraulic fracking?

OPEC's move will badly hurt countries that produce their oil and gas by fracturing shale rock and by treating tar sands with toxic chemicals; their cost of production is much higher than what OPEC members have to pay to produce their oil. Currently, the cost of production of oil from the Middle East is around $27; but with Saudi Arabia's large reserves so close to the desert surface, its cost of production may be as low as below $10 per barrel. The cost of production of North American shale oil is about $65. And the cost of production of tar sands oil is about $75. If the market price of oil stays at below their cost of production for a long period of time, many fracking and tar sands companies will have to close. To learn more about tar sands and its toll on the environment, read our earlier article, "Keystone Pipeline Would Be A Disaster," click here.

~ Geopolitical issues at play.

Besides trying to hurt American and Canadian fracking and oil sands projects, there might also be geopolitical reasons for the actions of Saudi Arabia and its rich Gulf allies (such as Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait). These Gulf monarchies might be trying to hurt a fellow OPEC member – Iran. Saudi Arabia and its friends are Sunni Muslims while Iran is Shiite Muslim. Iran is an ally of Syria, ruled by the ruthless dictator, Bashar al-Assad. The Syrian government is controlled by the Alawite minority that is currently fighting the Sunni opposition on several fronts. It is also fighting against the Sunni terrorist Islamic State (or ISIS). Financial support for ISIS and other Sunni terrorist groups from private Saudi, Qatari, and Kuwaiti citizens is a well-known fact, click here.

Iran has been under great financial distress due to the punishing United Nations sanctions over its nuclear program and this oil crash might be designed to rub salt into its wounds, click here. In addition, it's possible this is Saudi Arabia's revenge for Iran's past cyber attacks against the oil facilities of the rich Gulf states, click here.

~ Ruble's collapse on Dec 16th. Interests rates rise to 17%.

And as for major non-OPEC oil producer, Russia (also an ally and arms-supplier of the Syrian government), it has been hurting badly from the European and American sanctions over its aggression in the Ukraine; and this oil crunch is making life even more unbearable. The Russian central bank recently raised interest rates to 17% from 10.5% overnight while the ruble turned into rubble. Further deterioration of Russia's currency and financial markets is expected.

But in general, as the situation in the Middle East deteriorates, Saudi Arabia (with a population of only about 31 million) wants to be a major player in the world again; and by recapturing and dominating the global energy markets, this will give it the power and prestige it needs to be more relevant. The price it is willing to pay for this power is revenue.

~ Miles per gallon of vehicles are rising over time.

So, is OPEC targeting green energy as well? The short answer is yes. Without a doubt, aggregate demand of fossil fuels has gone up due to the rise of developing nations like China and India. However, demand per capita in developed nations has dropped greatly due to technological improvements made in the efficiency of cars as well as in the supply of alternate forms of energy such as solar, wind, and nuclear power.

In addition, the expansion of public transportation systems and the growth of hybrid, electric, and even hydrogen cars are making a real difference. And the public's positive attitudes toward conservation to slow down Climate Change are also making a dent in fossil-fuel demand. Indeed, the public has been buying smaller cars in recent years. But now, with lower gasoline prices, larger cars like SUVs are likely to come back into fashion.

~ I.P.C.C. hopes to eliminate fossil fuels by 2100.

Regardless of the public's latest taste in cars, it is always in the back of OPEC's mind that its members cannot hoard the oil forever as green technologies continue to make advances, click here. As time passes, they will be under more and more pressure to sell their oil on the cheap – to sell off their inventory while the selling is still good. As long as the shale technology is there, and as long as the world is determined to combat Climate Change by using more and more clean energy, cheap fossil fuels are here to stay. This will put some pressure on the funding and development of renewable energy. Greater government subsidies will likely be needed in this regard.

~ Greater subsidies will be needed for renewables.

[Updated Insert – November 6, 2015: President Obama has denied a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline project (see video below. This should not be a big surprise as he vetoed a bill from Congress in February (read the article from Reuters: "Obama Vetoes Keystone XL Pipeline, Leaving It In Limbo"). Besides Obama's concern for the environment, the two other unexpected factors that might have influenced his decision are: 1) the surprising increase in local shale oil and gas production, making Canadian oil less desirable, and 2) the sudden drop in the world price of oil (around $50 per barrel) makes tar sands oil (produced at around $75 per barrel) untenable.]

~ The Keystone XL is dead – for now.

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UPDATE: Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change

(August 20, 2015) Read our article on why nuclear power is the only realistic way to cut out all carbon, click here.

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change Click here.
- U.S. To Cut CO2 Emissions By 1/3 In 15 Yrs. Click here.
- Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL Click here.
- U.N. Climate Report Spells Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Grew By 30% – Global Cooling? Click here.
- Keystone Pipeline Would Be A Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Melts To Lowest Level Ever Click here.
- Rick Perry Calls Global Warming A Hoax Click here.
- Climate-Change Deniers Gain In Congress Click here.
- Palin Blames "Greenies" For BP Oil Spill Click here.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Cats Kill Up To 3.7 Billion Birds Per Year In The U.S.

It has been estimated that there are over 500 million cats in the world today. And according to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), there are over 70 million stray and feral cats in the U.S. (A stray cat is an abandoned or runaway cat while a feral cat is one that has returned to living in the wild, or is born wild.)

~ A feral cat "admiring" the ducks at Disneyland.

About a week ago, published a report on a colony of about a hundred feral cats at Disneyland, click here. Apparently, generations of cats have been living there since 1955! But these are very lucky cats as Disney has been quietly taking good care of them by providing food and shelter, vet care, spaying and neutering, vaccinations, flea treatments, and tagging. Sadly, outside of Disneyland, reality is very different for feral cats.

~ Feral cats fending for themselves.

According to the ASPCA, a feral cat that lives by itself – and has not been assisted by humans – has an average life expectancy of under two years. However, feral cats in a colony that is aided by humans may live for much longer. Regardless, the lives of feral cats are very harsh (even cats in human-assisted colonies sometimes migrate or are driven from the controlled areas). Some of the conditions that feral cats may face include: dehydration and starvation; drinking dirty water and eating rotten food; braving freezing temperatures in the winter; getting poisoned from rodenticides, insecticides, and herbicides; contracting parasites and diseases like rabies; being tortured and killed by cruel humans, stray dogs, and urban coyotes; and getting hit by cars to die slowly on the roadside.

~ Indoor cats live better lives than outdoor cats.

Also, feral cats may carry diseases that can hurt humans and pets. Feline leukemia virus, immunodeficiency virus, rabies, kidney disease, and distemper can spread from a stray cat to a domesticated cat through bodily fluids or bites, making the latter very sick with the possibility of death. And bacterial, parasitic, viral, and fungal infections can spread from your infected cat to you and your family members. Vaccination and keeping your cat indoors are the best defence.

But outdoor cats' impact on indigenous wildlife is far more devastating. Cats may be killing up to 3.7 billion birds each year in the U.S. alone (ground nesting birds are the most vulnerable). They also may be killing as many as 21 billion small mammals each year in the United States, and that is on top of the millions of native reptiles and amphibians. Cats are believed to be responsible for the extinction of 33 species of wildlife worldwide. The bottom line is, the house cat is a foreign (invasive) species to North America and indigenous wildlife simply did not have time to adapt to its presence. Click here.

~ T.N.R. (trap-neuter-return) reduces population through attrition.

It is imperative that people keep their cats indoors as well as having them spayed and neutered. For feral cats, the strategy of trapping and euthanizing them has proven to be a failure. Community cooperation is vital in this regard and euthanasia often drives away local support. However, trap-neuter-return (T.N.R.) programs seem to be working. While this does not solve the wildlife problem in the short run, it is a viable long-term solution. Often, kittens of feral cats are taken to be put up for adoption as they are capable of being tamed, unlike their parents.

As the holidays approach, implores its readers to refrain from giving out ANY animal as a present. Some people, especially children, are not good at taking care of animals. After the initial novelty has worn off, owners may grow tired of their pets and become negligent or even abusive; and as a result, the animals may run away or become abandoned, click here. Deciding on whether to keep a pet requires a tremendous amount of consideration and planning. And when a decision is finally made to have a dog or cat as an addition to your family, you will find that adoption is the best policy socially, ethically, and financially.

~ Stray dogs are also a very big problem.

While stray dogs have a lesser impact on wildlife, their numbers are just as mind-boggling. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there may be as many as 200 million stray dogs in the world. And their impact on public health and the environment is quite significant, click here. Therefore, spaying and neutering as well as adoption are the best tactics in regard to your dog. Also, always keep your dog indoors or confined to a secure yard; and make sure to leash your dog when you go out for walks (unleashed dogs running into traffic and attacking humans and other dogs – as well as park animals – are common occurrences, click here).

~ Pure-bred dogs and cats are less healthy than mix-breeds.

People love pure-bred cats such as the Persian and Siamese breeds. And poodles and Labradors are very popular dogs. Pure-breeds are a form of status symbol in society. But the healthiest cats and dogs are mix-breeds (sometimes called mongrels or mutts for dogs); they have a stronger and more diverse genetic make-up for longer lives and fewer diseases. This means less vet bills for you. In addition, they are less likely to be in physical and mental pain as compared to the pure-breeds, which are the result of inbreeding and arbitrary and unreasonable selective breeding. Click here.

~ Avoid pet dealers and puppy mills as well as kitty mills.

* * *

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Shark Fin Sales Drop Up To 70% In China Click here.
- Asian Carps: Barbarians At The Gate! Click here.
- "Let The Panda Die Out": Wildlife Expert Click here.
- Escaped Python Kills Two Boys Click here.
- Film: Blackfish Exposes SeaWorld Cruelty Click here.
- Bluefin Tuna Sold For $1.7 Million! Click here.
- Justin Bieber Attacked Over His Monkey Click here.
- Moron Lets Infant Play With A Gorilla Click here.
- Prince William Attacks Rhino Poachers Click here.
- Exotic Animals To Return To Zanesville! Click here.
- Bluefin Tuna Sold For A Record $736,000 Click here.
- 50 Exotic/Rare Animals Killed In Ohio Click here.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


The Vegan Diet Won't Kill You, But It Has Its Problems

On October 1st, a video of Kelly Atlas and other activists storming into a restaurant was published on YouTube. In just about a week, that video received half a million hits. Kelly sobs and rants about how that restaurant and others like it are animal abusers. She also talks about her "little girl," a chicken named Snow, and what a sin it is to eat her or even just her eggs. As far as the Frog Blog can gather, the overall public response to this silly stunt is very negative (social media call Atlas the "Chicken Lady"); and people blame "those animal rights activists" as a whole for being too radical – but the mainstream animal rights movement does not condone this nonsense.

~ Idiot Chicken Lady hurts the ENTIRE animals rights movement. thinks meat consumption in the United States is far too high and unhealthy and we would like to see a dramatic drop in this regard, particularly in the consumption of red meat (see U.S.D.A. chart below). However, we believe the vegan movement is wrong-headed and the vegan diet, which excludes all animal meat and animal products, is unhealthy. According to many vegan groups (as illustrated by the video above), NO animal should be killed (including fish and oysters), nor should you even drink their milk, eat their eggs, eat their honey, or wear their wool. This is considered animal exploitation and "speciesism," a ludicrous and radical idea that totally disregards the food chain in the eco-system.

Humans belong to the Hominidae family (great apes); and like our cousins such as the chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas, early human were omnivores in the wild, click here. Human left Africa about 50,000 years ago to migrate to Europe, Asia, and the Americas, following the herd animals. But humans were probably eating meat before that, click here. Agriculture did not begin until the Neolithic period, about 10,000 year ago.

Frog Blog fully supports the mainstream animals rights groups and their position on "humane eating" as well as their plans to improve the horrendous conditions faced by livestock today. Such organizations include the ASPCA, and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).

~ Eat whole grains & veggies, some fruits, a bit of meat & dairy.

It is likely that the vegan diet is less unhealthy than a diet that is very high in meat and saturated fat – especially in regard to heart disease and cancer. In other words, despite its shortcomings, the vegan diet shouldn't kill you! Still, just because too much of something is bad for you, it doesn't follow that eliminating ALL these things from your diet is a good thing. Moderation and variety are the key to good health. You want to consume as many different nutrients from as many different sources as possible. Picky eaters become sick, whether their diet is made up of all meat or all vegetable. H. Jay Dinshah, founder of the American Vegan Society, died at the age of 66 from a heart attack. And Dr. Robert Atkins, the father of the high-protein Atkins Diet, suffered from heart disease; he was only 72 when he died.

The best diet is likely one that resembles the great variety of foods that early hunters-gatherers ate – while still undergoing the evolutionary process through natural selection. They ate lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts and berries, seeds and grains, legumes and mushrooms, roots and tubers, eggs and insects. And when they could get it, meat was a good source of protein – mostly animals such as fish, crustaceans, rodents (like rabbits), amphibians and reptiles, birds (like fowl), plus a bit of red meat like wildebeests and wild boars (which would be more dangerous to hunt). Evolution likely made hunters-gatherers take maximum nutritional advantage out of these foods – and in these proportions. It should not be surprising that the diet of early humans has some similarities to the food pyramid above.

~ Hunters-gathers did not eat meat everyday.

Eliminating all animal products has its risks. The bottom line is, animal protein is built from a full range of amino acids that we need while vegetable protein is not, click here. And there is the issue of vitamin and nutritional deficiencies (especially in vitamin B12, iron, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids). And for some vegans, these deficiencies may actually play a role in having them develop cardiovascular diseases; however, more research is needed in this regard (here is another study that looks at the effects of B12 and omega-3 deficiencies in regard to blood clots and the hardening of the arteries, click here). In addition, in a study published by the University of Graz, in Austria, in February of 2014, there seems to be correlative evidence that vegetarians are less healthy and have a lower quality of life over the long run, click here. According to Psychology Today, the vast majority of vegetarians eventually quit; 35% of them say declining health is the reason for their decision. Also, learn the story about the Blonde Vegan as well as the stories of Angelina Jolie, President Bill Clinton, and the Dalai Lama.

[Updated Insert – December 2, 2014: Read a recent article from Psychology Today: "84% Of Vegetarians And Vegans Return To Meat. Why? – Animal Activists Should Emphasize Reduction, Not Elimination, Of Eating Meat.]

~ Vegan mother's vitamin-deficient breast milk made her baby sick.

The vegan diet has greater consequences for children than for adults. Science has shown that children need more saturated fat in their diet for brain and nerve development, click here. Also, milk is required for bone and height development and children who are deprived of milk tend to be shorter, click here. The Thai government is encouraging children to drink more cow's milk, with the goal of an increase in height of 8cm or about 3 1/4 inches, click here. And the Swiss government recently announced that the vegan diet "can cause serious harm" to children, click here. In our opinion, if you insist on feeding your kids a "vegetarian" diet, the pescetarian diet is better than a vegan diet, because the pescetarian diet allows for dairy, eggs, fish, and honey, click here.

Another solution for some vegans is to find meat substitutes, such as by absorbing vitamin D from sunlight, and by eating MORE of certain vegetarian foods rich in nutrients otherwise found in animal products. Such foods include soy (protein), broccoli (calcium), flaxseed oil (Omega 3), mushrooms grown under ultraviolet light (vitamin D), and spinach (iron). However, besides sunlight (which can be a problem at higher latitudes), vitamin D is hard to come by even from an omnivorous diet let alone a vegan one. And it doesn't come from many vegetarian sources – while vitamin B12 comes only from animal products. And a vitamin B12 and D-deficient diet has many problems; to learn more about the problems from vitamin B12 deficiency, click here; to learn more about the problems from vitamin D deficiency, click here; (for further information in regard to vitamin D and cardiovascular diseases and cancer, click here).

~ Do supplements work? A balanced diet works better.

The best sources of vitamin B12 are red meat, cheese, fish, shellfish, and eggs; for more information on vitamin B12 and its sources, click here. Fish, cow's milk (which is always fortified), and eggs are good sources of vitamin D; for more information on vitamin D and its sources, click here. For vegans, consuming lots of supplements and fortified foods such as vitamin-enriched soy milk and cereals is their only option. However, not all milk substitutes such as almond milk are automatically fortified with vitamin D and other nutrients; read labels carefully, click here. But one has to ask, if your diet needs a lot of supplements, how healthy and natural is it? And we're still not really sure if supplements are totally safe or that they actually work at all, click here. (Also, learn about the possible risks associated with calcium supplements, click here.)

Because of physiological constraints, it is hard to argue for animals' absolute right to life. Certain animals are designed by nature and man to be eaten. In nature, the food chain is a part of the ecological system. The sick and weak that are eaten by predators help the herd prevent overpopulation and disease – which can destroy the entire herd. However, what humans can do is to reduce cruelty and animal suffering within society. This inclination can only be categorized as subjective morality and has nothing to do with science – but there is nothing wrong with that. However, morality that ignores science and facts is no virtue and can only be considered as fanaticism.

~ Death is an important part of ecology.

There are political and social implications to the vegan agenda – from touching on women's reproductive rights (if you can't kill an animal or even eat its unfertilized eggs, then why is it okay to abort a human fetus, click here), to the hunting rights of indigenous peoples (such as the Inuit and the tribes of the Amazon, click here), to the ownership of dogs (omnivores) and cats (obligate carnivores), to the breeding programs of endangered beasts of prey in captivity (the survival of predators is vital to the survival of ecological balance, click here).

The best that we can do is to use scientific facts to encourage people who are already consuming too much meat to REDUCE their intake for better health. We shouldn't tell people to move from one unhealthy diet to another (and worse, from an already healthy diet low in meat and fat to one that may cause deficiencies). And it is important to not make frivolous health claims about the vegan diet and possibly harming the very people who are sympathetic to animals and want to help. That just isn't right. (See the PETA autism video below, also click here.)

~ PETA links autism to dairy – zealous rubbish.

There are numerous other things that should be done other than advocating veganism, such as improving the conditions of factory farms for livestock. One example is the ASPCA's grant of $151,000 to a humane chicken farm in 2012, click here. Some of the conditions at the farm that warranted praise included free-range chickens and turkeys living in clean and spacious facilities, quality feed, and the elimination of unnecessary antibiotics.

However, vegan groups were quick to publicly attack the ASPCA's move, calling it speciesist, click here. Any public relations damage that these extremists inflict on the ASPCA and other groups like it may very well deprive them of much needed public donations, thereby delaying the relief of suffering for countless other animals trapped in inhumane farming operations.

~ ASPCA video on factory-farm chickens (no unpleasant scenes).

Another example of a prudent strategy to reduce animal suffering is the Humane Society of the United States' "humane eating" campaign, click here. It recommends Meatless Mondays and explores the joy of eating more vegetarian dishes. This, and buying meat products produced ethically, can go a long way in reducing animal consumption for better health. One of their best campaigns is the Rural Development and Outreach program, working with farmers and ranchers to improve conditions for livestock, click here. However, vegans attack the concept of "humane eating," click here.

~ Antibiotics in factory farming may be a problem.

Basically, the vegan's theory is flawed. Even if more people became vegan, that doesn't necessarily mean less animals would be killed. What might happen is that the drop in demand for meat due to an increase in the number of vegans in society might cause the price of meat to drop, and the non-vegans would simply eat more of it at a cheaper price. So, you would end up with more people on unhealthy diets on opposite sides of the diet spectrum. Also, producers are not going to cut back on labor and capital (and the number of animals to be slaughtered) due to a drop in local demand; they will export instead. Therefore, the best policy is to encourage EVERYONE to reduce their meat consumption for better health as well as to eat more ethically.

In India, where 31% of the population is vegetarian, its production and export of beef are breaking new highs, along with the rest of the world. To see a chart of India's total meat production, click here. (Over 80% of Indians are vitamin D deficient – and India gets a lot of sunlight for being near the equator.) In the United States, 0.5% of the adult population is vegan and about 3% of the adult population is vegetarian, click here. The chance of the U.S. vegetarian population even coming close to that of India's is remote at best, and all the vegans would accomplish even if they reached India's level is utter failure in regard to ending the slaughter of animals. Veganism is a dead end.

USDA: World Beef Exports ~ India's and the world's trade in beef – breaking new highs.

The Frog Blog believes people have the right to eat whatever they want. And if people want to be vegans for ethical reasons, that's fine. But making health claims to the public about the vegan diet or feeding it to your children is another matter. We are glad that many vegans are in fact reasonable – read this article from "Don't Go Vegetarian Or Vegan For Health Benefits."

But it's a damned shame that the sound work in animal welfare undertaken by many mainstream animal rights organizations is being undermined by some radical vegans. For these extremists (sometimes called abolitionists), it's all or nothing – and what they usually accomplish is nothing, like that laughable stunt by Kelly Atlas in the video at the top of his page. Instead, we at the Frog Blog believe that we should pragmatically reduce suffering and cruelty wherever we can. There is so much to do with causes that are urgent and achievable – why waste time and money on a pipe dream? The animals can't wait for some ridiculous and futile revolution to happen a thousand years from now that would fulfil the 6th Commandment for animals and deliver a world where tigers lie with lambs as in the Garden of Eden.

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UPDATE: A Funeral For A Frozen Chicken

(November 7, 2014) Another ridiculous antic that antagonizes people and businesses rather than gaining their support for animal rights.

~ Morons. This generates ridicule, not sympathy and respect.

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Anti-Vaxxers And Homeopaths Are Idiots! Click here.
- Shark Fin Sales Drop Up To 70% In China Click here.
- Unvaccinated Kids Banned In NYC Schools Click here.
- Asian Carps: Barbarians At The Gate! Click here.
- Bluefin Tuna Sold For $1.7 Million! Click here.
- Bluefin Tuna Sold For A Record $736,000 Click here.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


But China Has A Ways To Go On Wildlife Conservation

~ U.S. gov't agent counts confiscated shark fins.

Shark fin is a Chinese delicacy used to make shark-fin soup, a dish that dates back to the Ming dynasty (1368–1644); see acclaimed film director Ang Lee's explanation, click here. As Chinese incomes grew in the past decades, demand for this expensive luxury has risen dramatically. As a result, about 73 million sharks are killed each year exclusively for their fins. In the last 15 years, some shark species have declined by as much as 98%, click here. This is not just about the extinction of certain species of sharks; this is about the destruction of the entire ecological balance of the oceans.

Also, read our earlier article about another endangered fish, the majestic bluefin tuna: "Bluefin Tuna Sold For $1.7 Million!"

~ What would happen if sharks disappeared?

In August, WildAid, an international organization devoted to ending the illegal wildlife trade, reported that sales of shark fin in China has dropped by as much as 70%. And in the City of Guangzhou (famous worldwide for its Cantonese cuisine and China's top center of the shark fin trade), sales of shark fin has dropped by 82%. Another world center in the trade, Hong Kong, also reported of a steep drop in the shark fin business earlier this year, click here. Also, in a recent survey conducted by WildAid, 85% of Chinese consumers in certain markets have said they have quit shark fin soup, click here.

These promising developments are primarily due to the education of the Chinese public by conservation groups that have utilized Chinese celebrities such as basketball star Yao Ming and movie star Jackie Chan to spread the word, click here.

~ Shark fin soup is no longer fashionable.

In addition, as a policy against extravagance, the Chinese government in 2012 banned the serving of shark fin (and other exotic-animal products) at all government functions, click here. However, if the situation for the shark continues to deteriorate, it's possible that the all-powerful Chinese Communist Party might just ban the consumption of shark fin for everyone altogether. Wildlife conservation groups are already lobbying the Chinese government to do just that now. But no matter how you look at it, while this drop in the sales of shark fin might be a bit of good news, there is still a lot of work to do for wildlife conservationists in this regard.

~ China's insatiable demand for animal parts.

On the other fronts, Chinese demand is still the major source of the problem for countless other endangered animals, from the elephant to the rhino to the tiger and so on. It's an issue of culture. China is an ancient society that has thousands of years of tradition in regard to arts and crafts (ivory) and traditional Chinese medicine (tiger penis, rhino horn, bear gall bladder, etc.). There is considerable doubt that these remedies in Chinese medicine have any validity at all. The breadth and scope of the problem is so great that we can hardly scratch the surface in this article. Please read our earlier article about the rhino horn and its uses in Chinese medicine: "Prince William Attacks Rhino Poachers"

And neither can the Chinese government control the illegal trafficking of animal parts in a meaningful way – regardless of how autocratic and ubiquitous it is (before 1997, some poachers have received life sentences and the death penalty; now it's up to 20 years in prison, which is still harsh but ineffective nonetheless). As with the shark fin example above, the true power to stop this problem lies in the ability to change the attitudes of the people themselves. Reducing demand is more than half the battle here; poaching will stop by itself if there is no demand.

~ Cyber activism.

With the Internet, we can now make cyber-friends all over the world – modern day penpals. And social networking is a powerful tool for online activism. That ONE person you are discussing or debating with in a blog or chatroom includes dozens of other people whom you are unaware of but are reading what you are writing with interest.

In order to save wildlife or the environment, invites all our readers to communicate with your international cyber-friends through rigorous debate, shameless begging, tasteful cajoling, and blunt criticism (but don't be rude or use profanity – don't get personal – be professional). Never lie or exaggerate. In the age of the Internet, people can check your claims with a click of a key. Once you lose your credibility, you'll never be able to convince that cyber-friend or anyone else of anything again.

~ Integrity and transparency are very important to your cause.

Also, your reputation for honesty and rigor is very important (your assertions must be supported by science). So research your facts carefully and make sure to use only reputable sources. And always attach exhibits or evidence to your argument in the form of links to shore up your position. Out of pride, your counterpart may not admit to you that he or she is convinced (and sometimes people need to sleep on it); but the truth is the truth and once you have rested your case, your job is done and you should move on to the next person. Don't forget, your true target are the OTHER READERS!!

Read our earlier article about ethical issues and charities: "CNN Calls SPCA International A Scam." Also, read about how the anti-vaccination movement misrepresented the truth: "Unvaccinated Kids Banned In NYC Schools."

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UPDATE: New Vegan Video Causes Controversy

(October 22, 2014) Read our article about veganism and the vegetarian diet, click here.

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- New Vegan Video Causes Controversy Click here.
- Asian Carps: Barbarians At The Gate! Click here.
- "Let The Panda Die Out": Wildlife Expert Click here.
- Escaped Python Kills Two Boys Click here.
- Film: Blackfish Exposes SeaWorld Cruelty Click here.
- Bluefin Tuna Sold For $1.7 Million! Click here.
- Justin Bieber Attacked Over His Monkey Click here.
- Moron Lets Infant Play With A Gorilla Click here.
- CNN Calls SPCA International A Scam Click here.
- Prince William Attacks Rhino Poachers Click here.
- Exotic Animals To Return To Zanesville! Click here.
- Bluefin Tuna Sold For A Record $736,000 Click here.
- 50 Exotic/Rare Animals Killed In Ohio Click here.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Religion Should Stay Out Of Science & Affairs-Of-State

On July 29th, Atheist TV, the 24-hour Internet TV station devoted exclusively to atheistic issues, went online: www.Atheists.TV, click here. You can also watch this channel – along with many other free channels – on your television set by using Roku, click here. The channel is operated by the non-profit and civil rights group, American Atheists, founded in 1963.

Atheist TV logo.

Atheism and other irreligious (or non-religious) systems of thought – including agnosticism, secular-humanism, and skepticism – are on the rise around the world. Today, irreligion is most pronounced in East Asia and Europe. Countries that have the highest population of religious people tend to be mostly influenced by Islam and/or Christianity (particularly Catholicism). In the last two decades, over 25 million Americans have abandoned their religion, click here.

~ Irreligion around the world. Darker = more irreligious.

Unlike Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss, who are featured in our other article, "Film: The Unbelievers Attacks Religion!" (May 1, 2013), has never advocated the elimination of religion from society. Taken allegorically, some of the religious texts and their fables can be helpful to people grappling with the everyday trials and tribulations of life.

In fact, many scholars have proposed that people in antiquity knew very well that the stories in the Bible and other religious texts were not supposed to be taken LITERALLY. Many lived under the Roman Empire, where polytheism was the norm. These people were familiar with a diverse (often contradictory) variety of gods, religions, cults, and sects and were able to cope with all the confusion and religious hybridization that arose. They had commonsense. But this may not necessarily be the case in regard to religion in the world today.

~ A channel devoted to reality.....

By definition, atheism is about the absence of theology. By itself, it does not propose any particular theory or doctrine. Its goal is to challenge theories (i.e. theological concepts) through facts and reason via debate and education. Atheism and other irreligious ideas are a sensible counterbalance in society when organized religion ventures out of its normally mundane roles (such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, charities, etc.) to disturb the affairs-of-state and the foundation of established knowledge (particularly the sciences) – often with idiotic ideas such as Young Earth Creationism.

~ Atheism is about the truth. Atheism is on the rise.

In fact, radical Islamists and their global jihad are threatening the political and social order of the entire planet. While science and knowledge are the light, dogma and ignorance are surely the darkness. Yet, Islamic terrorist groups like Boko Haram and I.S.I.S. (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), promise to bring barbarism, superstition, and oppression to millions of people around the world, including here in North America. Their goal is world domination through the dictatorship of theocratic fascism.

~ Barbarity in the name of religion. (This video is not graphic.)

When one or both sides refuse to rely exclusively on logic and reason in their train of thought, there is bound to be violence. There is really no room for discussion and compromise when it's really about one magical sky-master versus another. It can be argued that religion has been the main cause of wars and genocides throughout human history, including and perhaps especially today.

When you expect people to believe you without facts, you are trying to CONTROL them, not educate them. You are telling them to stop thinking.

~ The Crusaders. 200 years of meaningless slaughter.

Is The Internet The Graveyard Of Religion?

The natural home of reason is debate and interaction while the natural home of religion is indoctrination and isolation. The reason why atheism and other irreligious beliefs have flourished may be due to the growth of the Internet, particularly the social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Religion simply is out of its own element in the age of information and communication, where suppositions can easily be debated on by many people all over the world, and verified or refuted by facts and knowledge retrieved at a click of button.

~ Knowledge is the enemy of religion.

The key to getting to the truth is NOT to obey and accept, but to question and argue. This is what atheism and Atheist TV offer, and they reflect how all scientific knowledge has been organized by human beings throughout the centuries – in the Socratic tradition.

What is the meaning of your life? Is it represented by some made-up nonsense to satisfy your wishful thinking and false sense of security? Or does real meaning lie in bravely knowing the TRUTH about yourself and your universe?

* * *

UPDATE: Is Atheist Bill Maher A Bigot?

(January 20, 2015) Read our article on atheist and comedian Bill Maher’s controversial comments about Muslims, click here.

UPDATE: Creation Theme Park Sues For Tax Credit

(March 16, 2015) Read our article on the latest shenanigans of Creationist Ken Ham and his Noah's Ark park, click here.

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Creation Theme Park Sues For Tax Credit Click here.
- Is Atheist Bill Maher A Bigot? Click here.
- Unvaccinated Kids Banned In NYC Schools Click here.
- Bill Nye Debates Creationist Ken Ham Click here.
- "Cyrus Prostituted Herself": Creationist Click here.
- Film: The Unbelievers Attacks Religion! Click here.
- Teaching Creationism Is Child Abuse Click here.
- GOP Rep. Calls Evolution & Big Bang Lies Click here.
- The 2nd "Scopes Monkey Trial" Is Coming! Click here.
- Tax-Break For Kentucky Creationist Park Click here.
- Bachmann Wants Creationism In Schools Click here.
- "Evolution A Myth": Christine O’Donnell Click here.
- Creation Vs. Evolution: Darwin Defamed! Click here.

Monday, July 7, 2014


"Vaccine Truthers" Are Ignorant Morons

Last month, federal judge William Kuntz of Brooklyn, New York, ruled that families who refuse to vaccinate their children do not have the constitutional right to force their kids on the school population. Religious reasons are no excuse – even when religious exemptions from vaccination have been granted to the students in question. The anti-vaccination families have indicated that they will appeal the judge's ruling. For more information on this story, click here.

~ Federal court rules against anti-vaxxers.

Besides citing religious reasons, anti-vaxxers also claim that vaccination has many side effects and may cause autism. All nonsense; even the Autism Science Foundation disagrees. Also, read a recent article: "Another Blow to Anti-Vaxxers’ Fortress of Pseudoscience." However, this silly movement is getting support from the political Right (people who want less government) as well as the political Left (people who don't trust "Big Pharma," click here). This is an issue that should not be politicized. This is a matter of medicine and science.

~ Fox News commentator supports the anti-vaxxers.

In fact, because of people's refusal to get vaccinated, the mumps, measles, rubella, flu, polio, whooping cough, and other preventable diseases are on the rise in the United States and around the world, click here. The people who don't want to vaccinate themselves and their children argue that if other children are vaccinated, what harm is there if their children are not vaccinated?

Updated chart (Jan. 13, 2015):

First, you have a responsibility to protect your children regardless of your religious beliefs. As in a recent court ruling has shown, people who knowingly let harm come to their children for whatever reason will be prosecuted and punished; read our story from last year, "Fanatics Denied Medicine To Kids; 2 Died."

Furthermore, unvaccinated locals who travel and foreign tourists may bring diseases into your community to infect others who have not been vaccinated. They include babies (under 12 months), pregnant women (for certain live vaccines), and people with immunity issues as well as those – especially children – undergoing treatment such as chemotherapy (see video immediately below).

Updated video (Jan. 29, 2015): We must protect the weak.

Vaccination does not work for 100% of the people. For diseases like measles and whooping cough, some children who have been vaccinated still contract the disease for some reason; one dose of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is about 93% effective in preventing measles. And for other people who have been vaccinated successfully, the protective effects of the vaccine may wear off over time, click here. So, it is vitally important that EVERYONE in society get vaccinated regularly, click here. The need to vaccinate all of society is explained by a theory called "herd immunity."

~ Herd immunity.

In herd immunity, the more people there are in society who have been vaccinated, the less chance the unvaccinated people will become sick. So, those people who fall through the cracks in society, like homeless people, the mentally challenged, and people living below the poverty line, should be protected by others – like capable adults and school children – who have the knowledge and ready access to immunization.

The math is simple; the longer the disease is kept alive in our bodies, the more virulent it can become and the harder it will be for society to fight it. The more people there are who have been vaccinated, the less time the disease will have to cultivate itself and spread.

~ The backlash against science has great consequences.

There are two issues that the religious Right, and to some extent the Tea Party, don't understand; and we also mustn't forget the hardheaded position of some people on the Left, such as the New Agers and alternative-medicine types (like homeopaths).

First, scientific facts cannot be bent to fit a political agenda or a personal belief. How are the vaccine truthers any different than the Young Earth Creationists or Climate Change deniers? Their reasoning is based on pseudoscience at best and on utter rubbish at worst.

Updated video (Feb. 4, 2015): Glenn Beck doubles down.

Second, anti-vaxxers and religious fanatics seem to think that their liberty can override the welfare and rights of others. By citing religious reasons or personal belief as an excuse, they claim that they have the right to not pull their weight in society by not vaccinating themselves (click here), by denying others healthcare (click here), and by discriminating against certain groups, such as gays and lesbians (click here). In society, communicable diseases are a common threat that require concerted action by everyone. Your rights end where our noses (and lungs) begin.

~ As ignorant as before; they used to blame the plague on witches.

[Updated Insert – February 2, 2015: Read our latest article, "Anti-Vaxxers And Homeopaths Are Idiots!" click here.]

* * *

UPDATE: New Vegan Video Causes Controversy

(October 22, 2014) Read our article about veganism and the vegetarian diet, click here.

UPDATE: Anti-Vaxxers Say Autistic Muppet Is A Plot

(October 27, 2015) Read about the crazy anti-vaxxers and why they think Julia the autistic Muppet normalizes "vaccination injuries," click here?

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Anti-Vaxxers Say Autistic Muppet Is A Plot Click here.
- Donald Trump Says Vaccines Cause Autism Click here.
- Anti-Vaxxers And Homeopaths Are Idiots! Click here.
- New Vegan Video Causes Controversy Click here.
- World's 1st Atheist TV Channel Launches Click here.
- Bill Nye Debates Creationist Ken Ham Click here.
- Far East Tops O.E.C.D. Education Rankings Click here.
- "Cyrus Prostituted Herself": Creationist Click here.
- Film: The Unbelievers Attacks Religion! Click here.
- Teaching Creationism Is Child Abuse Click here.
- GOP Rep. Calls Evolution & Big Bang Lies Click here.
- The 2nd "Scopes Monkey Trial" Is Coming! Click here.
- Tax-Break For Kentucky Creationist Park Click here.
- Bachmann Wants Creationism In Schools Click here.
- Doomsday Prophets Are Idiots! Click here.
- "Evolution A Myth": Christine O’Donnell Click here.
- Creation Vs. Evolution: Darwin Defamed! Click here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


China Produces 1/2 The World's Coal And 1/4 of CO2

On Monday, June 2nd, President Obama announced the most sweeping climate plan of his presidency. The Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) was first created by Republican President Richard Nixon in 1970. And for its latest and most ambitious undertaking, it will bypass a gridlocked Congress to mandate unprecedented restrictions on coal production in the United States; it will also seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30% by 2030. To put simply, many of those coal-fired power plants will have to be shut down to meet these standards. For more information on the E.P.A.'s plan, click here.

~ President Obama's historic Climate-Change plan.

While some environmentalists are encouraged by the president's actions, they are still concerned about his support for hydraulic fracking (used mostly to produce cleaner natural gas) that has made the U.S. into a global energy superpower. And they are still worried about his indecision on the Keystone XL pipeline; read our latest article on this topic: "Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL," click here. Many also argue that a reduction in emissions does not stop the U.S. from exporting fossil fuels to other countries like China. And more extreme environmentalists are saying Obama is not doing enough; they want the U.S. to move aggressively and massively toward renewable energy.

~ Obama cracks down on coal. Environmentalists are cautious.

From the Right, the president's critics are saying that his new plan will be harmful to the economy, cutting tens of thousands of jobs in the fossil-fuel and power industries. As of 2012, there are approximately 570 coal-fired plants in the U.S. that generate about 44% of its electricity and account for about 39% of the nation's CO2 emissions. Conservatives also argue that no matter what the U.S. does to its own economic detriment, other countries like China and India will simply continue to burn coal to gain an economic advantage over the United States.

~ 2013 figures.

While supports President Obama's plan, let us just digress for a moment to look at what China is doing to this planet in regard to pollution and carbon emissions. As of 2013, China produces just under half of the world's coal, and about four times that of the United States. Chinese coal generates about 79% of that nation's electricity. As of 2012, China has about 620 coal-fired plants. And it intends build to another 160 by 2016 – that's about one per week. Based on 2010 estimates, China accounts for over 26% of the world's carbon emissions. And this figure is expected to go even higher.

~ 2010 figures.

The problem with China and other developing countries is that coal is a cheap source of power, and it's plentiful in China. In fact, coal is not only used by its power plants, but also by millions of households in rural areas for cooking and heating. Cakes made of coal dust are often kept in boxes outside of the dwelling, not unlike how logs were kept at a cabin back in the day.

~ Coal cakes or briquettes used for heating and cooking in China.

China's smog not only has real – though gradual – effects on the global climate over the long run, it has an immediate and severe impact on the air quality of entire nations just outside of China, such as Korea and Japan. These are difficult-to-measure health and economic costs imposed by China on its neighbors; these costs are called "externalities," click here.

So, are the U.S. conservatives such as the Tea Partiers and Libertarians right in their assessment of President Obama's climate plan as being futile?

~ China's smog engulfs another nation.

The president's curbs on carbon emissions are sound. America's resolve to reduce emissions will give it the credibility and leadership status it needs to encourage other nations to reduce their emissions. Any reduction in CO2 by the U.S. is just that much less for our atmosphere to contend with, buying the planet a little bit more time. And China's actions are not totally out of the control of the rest of the world, especially the United States and the European Union. This is because in the age of Globalization, all our economies are intricately linked.

China's Trading Partners ~ U.S. and E.U. are China's largest trading partners.

The U.S. and the E.U. are China's largest buyers of manufactured products, goods that take carbon emissions to make. And they can exert pressure on China in regard to carbon emissions. But weren't the U.S. and E.U. themselves manufacturing powerhouses in their own right just decades ago? So, what happened to them?

What really happened here over the past decades was that as the modern economies began to clean up their own environment through regulations, their industries moved their operations to developing countries for the cheap labor, lax regulations, and lower taxes. Then they would burn up more fossil fuel by shipping the finished goods back to their own countries for consumption.

~ Source: World Bank. (Click on image to enlarge.)

One could argue that Chinese people also consume manufactured goods, not just the Americans and Europeans – true, but by a far less extent. The GDP per capita in the U.S is almost eight times that of China's. Per capita, the U.S. has over seven and a half times more automobiles than China. The U.S. uses three and a half times more energy per capita than China. And emissions per capita in the U.S. is over three times that of China's, even though the Chinese do most of the manufacturing work, breathing in all that pollution in the process. In essence, the West imports finished goods from the developing world and exports the filth to nations like China and its neighbors. The Western manufacturers make most of the profits while the local workers make a living wage.

~ The truth behind one of the world's most profitable companies. would like our readers to think of their own responsibilities to the climate every time they buy that cheap item that was shipped across the ocean to their local dollar-store. We invite our readers to consider living more modestly and to buy more from local farmers and manufactures that have to operate under better labor and environmental regulations. This and President Obama's climate plan will have real effects not only on the U.S., but also on China and other countries around the world in the reduction of global carbon emissions.

~ New York City three decades ago. This smog is now in China.

Updated (Aug. 2, 2015): Obama's America's Clean Power Plan.

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UPDATE: China Follows U.S. With A Cap On Carbon

(June 5, 2014) Experts believe that China's announcement on it's own caps on CO2 emissions just one day after the White House's announcement is no coincidence. President Obama's climate plan and Beijing's response to it may be a signal to other countries around the world that NOW is the time to act on Climate Change.

~ China follows the U.S. in capping carbon emissions.

UPDATE: Oil Crash Could End Fracking & Oil Sands

(December 19, 2014) Read our article on how the drop in oil prices can destroy shale and tar sands oil, click here.

UPDATE: Mini Ice Age Coming In 2030: Scientists

(July 19, 2015) Read our article on how solar activity changes the Earth's climate, click here.

UPDATE: Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change

(August 20, 2015) Read our article on why nuclear power is the only realistic way to cut out all carbon, click here.

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change Click here.
- Mini Ice Age Coming In 2030: Scientists Click here.
- Oil Crash Could End Fracking & Oil Sands Click here.
- Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL Click here.
- U.N. Climate Report Spells Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Grew By 30% – Global Cooling? Click here.
- Keystone Pipeline Would Be A Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Melts To Lowest Level Ever Click here.
- Rick Perry Calls Global Warming A Hoax Click here.
- Climate-Change Deniers Gain In Congress Click here.
- Palin Blames "Greenies" For BP Oil Spill Click here.