Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Tea Party Climate-Change Deniers Funded By BP Click here

Republican Congressman Joe Barton (Texas) was handily re-elected to the House of Representatives. And he wants to reclaim the chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. However, he is the same fool who apologized to British Petroleum because President Obama had the audacity to force them to pay for the worst oil spill in U.S. history. To see his pathetic apology to BP CEO, Tony Hayward, click here.

~ Barton says temperature changes are due to fat/skinny clouds.

[Congressman Joe Barton of Texas: "Wind is a finite resource and harnessing it would slow down the winds which would cause the temperature to go up." Click here.]

Worse, Joe Barton is not just in the pocket of the oil industry, he is also a Climate-Change denier. Like the looney Birther and Creationist movements that have infiltrated the Republican Party (partly due to the hijacking of the GOP by Tea Partiers), Climate-Change deniers use the strategy of hammering a confusing point (or points) of the debate over and over again in hopes of gaining support from some uninformed citizens. Some of these Climate-Change deniers are funded by BP and other polluters. See the report on GREENPEACE's website, click here.

~ Tea Party Climate-Change deniers in the Senate.

[Updated Insert - May 16, 2013: Study: 97% Agreement On Man-made Global Warming, click here.]

According to the League of Conservation Voters (, there were at least eight Tea Party Climate-Change deniers who ran for the Senate, and half of them won. More importantly, one of these deniers, Marco Rubio of Florida, is so popular that he may be on the Republican ticket as vice president.

This midterm election was a disaster. The only good news is that Proposition 23 failed to kill California's Climate Law, despite millions spent by companies to support it. Clearly, the American people must consider limiting the power of corporations to influence elections and ballot propositions.

* * *

UPDATE: Arctic Ice Melts To Lowest Level Ever

(August 27, 2012) Read our latest article on Climate Change, click here.

UPDATE: "Global Warming A Total Fraud": GOP Rep.

(August 13, 2013) Read the latest update on the shenanigans in Washington in regard to Global Warming, click here.

UPDATE: Robert Redford Attacks Keystone XL Pipeline

(September 18, 2013) Read the latest update on the Keystone XL pipeline, click here.

UPDATE: Arctic Ice Grew By 30% – Global Cooling?

(September 21, 2013) Read the latest article on the Global Warming debate, click here.

UPDATE: U.N. Climate Report Spells Disaster

(October 6, 2013) Read our article on the 2013 report from the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (I.P.C.C.), click here.

UPDATE: Palin Loves Ted Cruz & Coal; Blames Obama

(October 16, 2013) Read our latest update on crazy Sarah Palin and the government shutdown, click here.

UPDATE: U.N.'s Health Arm Links Pollution To Cancer

(October 18, 2013) Read our latest update about the World Health Organization's new report, click here.

UPDATE: Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL

(April 14, 2014) Did you know America is poised to be the world's biggest carbon-based fuel producer by 2015? Read our latest article on the Keystone XL pipeline and the Canadian tar sands, click here.

UPDATE: Gov't Report: Climate Change Has Arrived

(May 6, 2014) Read our latest update about the Obama Administration's Third National Climate Assessment. Climate Change is here, click here.

UPDATE: Antarctic Glaciers Irreversibly Melting Away

(May 13, 2014) Read our latest update on how the melting of Antarctica may raise sea levels by 13 feet! Click here.

UPDATE: U.S. To Cut CO2 Emissions By 1/3 In 15 Yrs.

(June 4, 2014) Read our latest article on how the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) will crack down on coal in the U.S. Also, learn about what the People's Republic of China is doing to the world’s environment! Click here.

UPDATE: Oil Crash Could End Fracking & Oil Sands

(December 19, 2014) Read our article on how the drop in oil prices can destroy shale and tar sands oil, click here.

UPDATE: Mini Ice Age Coming In 2030: Scientists

(July 19, 2015) Read our article on how solar activity changes the Earth's climate, click here.

UPDATE: Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change

(August 20, 2015) Read our article on why nuclear power is the only realistic way to cut out all carbon, click here.

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Donald Trump Says Vaccines Cause Autism Click here.
- Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change Click here.
- Mini Ice Age Coming In 2030: Scientists Click here.
- Oil Crash Could End Fracking & Oil Sands Click here.
- U.S. To Cut CO2 Emissions By 1/3 In 15 Yrs. Click here.
- Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL Click here.
- U.N. Climate Report Spells Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Grew By 30% – Global Cooling? Click here.
- Keystone Pipeline Would Be A Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Melts To Lowest Level Ever Click here.
- Rick Perry Calls Global Warming A Hoax Click here.
- Palin Blames "Greenies" For BP Oil Spill Click here.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


"Witch" O'Donnell Wants Creationism In Schools!

The fact that this ignoramus may win a Senate seat from Delaware betrays just how vulnerable the Democrats are in the mid-term elections. In the clip below, Republican candidate O’Donnell says Evolution is a myth, stressing that if it were real, then why aren’t monkeys still evolving? Is this nut for real?

~ Uneducated nonsense.

Worse than that, O'Donnell wants Creationism to have equal footing with Evolutionary Theory in schools. Creationism that might be taught in theology or history class is fine. But it can never be taught as science. That would be a lie. Evolutionary Theory is beyond reproach in science, and it’s being further supported by the latest research in bio-chemistry and other fields.

~ O'Donnell: Creationism should have equal status with Evolution.

Creationism is truly just a myth with absolutely no evidence or foundation. If it's taught to kids as an explanation of reality, then countless other myths from countless other cultures must also be allowed to be taught as truth. What’s wrong with the Greek myth of a bird called Nyx that laid a golden egg from which all life evolved? No worse than Adam and Eve and how the human race must have emerged from incest!

While beyond the scope of this website, which deals primarily with scientific issues, O'Donnell's utter ignorance is already questioning the Separation of the Church and State (listen to the audio).

[Updated Insert - January 26, 2014: Map Of Publicly-Funded Schools That Are Allowed To Teach Creationism, click here.]

* * *

UPDATE: GOP Rep. Calls Evolution & Big Bang Lies

(October 14, 2012) Read our latest article on politics and religion, click here.

UPDATE: Teaching Creationism Is Child Abuse

(February 14, 2013) Read our latest article on science vs. religion, click here.

UPDATE: Film: The Unbelievers Attacks Religion

(May 1, 2013) Read our latest article on science vs. religion, click here.

UPDATE: Fanatics Denied Medicine To Kids; 2 Died

(August 8, 2013) Read our latest update on science vs. religion, click here.

UPDATE: "Cyrus Prostituted Herself": Creationist

(September 1, 2013) Read our latest article on Creationism, click here.

UPDATE: Palin Loves Ted Cruz & Coal; Blames Obama

(October 16, 2013) Read our latest update on crazy Sarah Palin and the government shutdown, click here.

UPDATE: Bill Nye Debates Creationist Ken Ham

(February 10, 2014) Read our latest article on how Creationists push their political agenda, click here.

UPDATE: World's 1st Atheist TV Channel Launches

(August 4, 2014) Read our latest article on atheism. Is the Internet the graveyard of religion? Click here.

UPDATE: Creation Theme Park Sues For Tax Credit

(March 16, 2015) Read our article on the latest shenanigans of Creationist Ken Ham and his Noah's Ark park, click here.

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Creation Theme Park Sues For Tax Credit Click here.
- World's 1st Atheist TV Channel Launches Click here.
- Unvaccinated Kids Banned In NYC Schools Click here.
- Bill Nye Debates Creationist Ken Ham Click here.
- "Cyrus Prostituted Herself": Creationist Click here.
- Film: The Unbelievers Attacks Religion! Click here.
- Teaching Creationism Is Child Abuse Click here.
- GOP Rep. Calls Evolution & Big Bang Lies Click here.
- The 2nd "Scopes Monkey Trial" Is Coming! Click here.
- Tax-Break For Kentucky Creationist Park Click here.
- Bachmann Wants Creationism In Schools Click here.
- Doomsday Prophets Are Idiots! Click here.
- Creation Vs. Evolution: Darwin Defamed! Click here.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Is the Republican Party Hijacked By Rightwing Loons?

~ A satellite photo of the BP oil spill from NASA.

Almost everything that comes out of Sarah Palin's mouth is utter nonsense. The scary thing is that she is extremely popular and may be a candidate for the Presidency in 2012. The GOP seems to be replete with politicians who tend to rant on about one dogma or another regardless if it sounds stupid or not to their own constituents. One example is Republican Liz Cheney’s support for the looney Birther Movement in face of overwhelming evidence that Barack Obama is indeed an American citizen, click here.

~ Palin flip-flops on off-shore drilling - then blames "Greenies."

[See Top 6 Republican Oil Spill Gaffes - click here!]

But the most ludicrous comments from a Republican in regard to the theme of this website, the environment, has to be from Congressman Joe Barton of Texas, who apologizes to BP because the President had the audacity to try to negotiate some kind of speedy relief for all those who have been or will be harmed by the oil spill. What Obama did is not only legal and proper, but morally right. He cut the red tape and spared many who cannot afford costly legal fees to obtain restitution.

~ Congressman Joe Barton apologizes to BP CEO. Shameful.

The President just persuaded and admonished, but many Republican loons will have you believe that what the White House did is unconstitutional, even when BP had the option to refuse. There is nothing more pathetic than a Representative from the United States Congress kowtowing to a foreign corporation even when that corporation has greatly harmed American citizens, wildlife, and the environment. What did Barton's constituents vote him into office for, to side with the perpetrators against their own interests and welfare? It is clear that what is important to a politician isn't his/her constituents, but the corporate money with which to win elections. This may not be treason, but it is surely a betrayal of public trust.

Blaming environmentalists for the BP oil spill while apologizing to the true perpetrators...This is the Twilight Zone courtesy of the Tea Party...

* * *

UPDATE: Arctic Ice Melts To Lowest Level Ever

(August 27, 2012) Read our latest article on Climate Change, click here.

UPDATE: "Global Warming A Total Fraud": GOP Rep.

(August 13, 2013) Read the latest update on the shenanigans in Washington in regard to Global Warming, click here.

UPDATE: Robert Redford Attacks Keystone XL Pipeline

(September 18, 2013) Read the latest update on the Keystone XL pipeline, click here.

UPDATE: Arctic Ice Grew By 30% – Global Cooling?

(September 21, 2013) Read the latest article on the Global Warming debate, click here.

UPDATE: U.N. Climate Report Spells Disaster

(October 6, 2013) Read our article on the 2013 report from the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (I.P.C.C.), click here.

UPDATE: Palin Loves Ted Cruz & Coal; Blames Obama

(October 16, 2013) It's common knowledge Sarah Palin is an abject moron. And if she could blame environmentalists for the BP oil spill in 2010 (see main article above, "Palin Blames 'Greenies' For BP Oil Spill"), why not blame President Obama for the government shutdown in 2013? See video below of her and Ted Cruz at a veterans' rally. To be clear, the President ran on the issue of healthcare twice and won handily (2008 and 2012). The Affordable Healthcare Act passed both houses of Congress and was signed by the President. It was also ratified by an essentially conservative Supreme Court. Republicans tried to repeal Obamacare 40 times and failed. It is the law of the land.

~ Sarah Palin's grotesque distortion of the truth.

Yet, idiots like Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz won't quit. They would rather plunge the U.S. and the world into financial disaster than to let Obama win. They are not conservatives but are anarchists. And yet, they blame the President for not negotiating, thus making this mess his fault. Using their line of twisted logic, it would be perfectly okay for the Senate and the President to blackmail America by shooting down any budget to shutdown the government if Congress and all 50 states didn't repeal the 2nd Amendment. Blackmail is not negotiation. Now, Sarah Palin is considering a run for the Senate to help Ted Cruz and the coal industry, see video below.

Poll shows 74% of Americans disapprove of Republican handling of budget crisis – click here.

~ Sarah Palin wants to help Cruz & coal.

UPDATE: U.N.'s Health Arm Links Pollution To Cancer

(October 18, 2013) Read our latest update about the World Health Organization's new report, click here.

UPDATE: Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL

(April 14, 2014) Did you know America is poised to be the world's biggest carbon-based fuel producer by 2015? Read our latest article on the Keystone XL pipeline and the Canadian tar sands, click here.

UPDATE: Gov't Report: Climate Change Has Arrived

(May 6, 2014) Read our latest update about the Obama Administration's Third National Climate Assessment. Climate Change is here, click here.

UPDATE: Antarctic Glaciers Irreversibly Melting Away

(May 13, 2014) Read our latest update on how the melting of Antarctica may raise sea levels by 13 feet! Click here.

UPDATE: U.S. To Cut CO2 Emissions By 1/3 In 15 Yrs.

(June 4, 2014) Read our latest article on how the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) will crack down on coal in the U.S. Also, learn about what the People's Republic of China is doing to the world’s environment! Click here.

UPDATE: Oil Crash Could End Fracking & Oil Sands

(December 19, 2014) Read our article on how the drop in oil prices can destroy shale and tar sands oil, click here.

UPDATE: Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change

(August 20, 2015) Read our article on why nuclear power is the only realistic way to cut out all carbon, click here.

For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change Click here.
- Mini Ice Age Coming In 2030: Scientists Click here.
- Oil Crash Could End Fracking & Oil Sands Click here.
- U.S. To Cut CO2 Emissions By 1/3 In 15 Yrs. Click here.
- Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL Click here.
- U.N. Climate Report Spells Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Grew By 30% – Global Cooling? Click here.
- Keystone Pipeline Would Be A Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Melts To Lowest Level Ever Click here.
- Rick Perry Calls Global Warming A Hoax Click here.
- Climate-Change Deniers Gain In Congress Click here.