Along with Michele Bachmann, Governor Perry of Texas actually makes Sarah Palin look like the fountain of reason, moderation, and commonsense! The GOP presidential candidate and frontrunner is considered by many, including some in the Republican Party, to be an unqualified candidate for the presidency of the United States. Bruce Barlett, former advisor to Ronald Reagan and former Treasury official under George H. W. Bush, called Perry an 'IDIOT,' click here.
~ Perry says scientists manipulate climate data for selfish gains.
Speaking to a group in New Hampshire on August 17th, Governor Perry questioned the veracity of Climate-Change science. But the idea of a conspiracy among the global scientific community as well as international governmental agencies betrays just how paranoid and ignorant Rick Perry is about science. Scientific ideas, like the articles published in scientific journals such as NATURE and SCIENCE are already under intense and rigorous scrutiny by the academic community itself. To replicate other scientists' experiments as well as to write a tough but convincing critique of other scientists' papers are as important to the career of a scholar as the publishing of his/her own research or theories. This is how academics demonstrate their intellectual prowess among their peers. It is a highly competitive and adversarial system, in the tradition of the Socratic method.
So, it is extremely likely that any bad research would be viciously exposed and criticized by competent scientists regardless of their own personal beliefs on the matter. A successful scientist is one who convinces the college of academics of his/her theories or research as being notable and credible. And without doubt, the jury of worldwide scientists believes that not only does Global Warming exist, it is likely to be caused by humans. There is no gain for any scientist to do bad science or to collude with those who pratice bad science. It would mean an end to his/her career – not more research grants, as Governor Perry suggests.
[Updated Insert - May 16, 2013: Study: 97% Agreement On Man-made Global Warming, click here.]
Updated (Dec. 20, 2010): Humans cause Climate Change.
Updated (Aug. 5, 2012): Climate-Change skeptic sees the light.
UPDATE: Arctic Ice Melts To Lowest Level Ever
(August 27, 2012) Read our latest article on Climate Change, click here.
UPDATE: "Global Warming A Total Fraud": GOP Rep.
(August 13, 2013) Read the latest update on the shenanigans in Washington in regard to Global Warming, click here.
UPDATE: Robert Redford Attacks Keystone XL Pipeline
(September 18, 2013) Read the latest update on the Keystone XL pipeline, click here.
UPDATE: Arctic Ice Grew By 30% – Global Cooling?
(September 21, 2013) Read the latest article on the Global Warming debate, click here.
UPDATE: U.N. Climate Report Spells Disaster
(October 6, 2013) Read our article on the 2013 report from the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (I.P.C.C.), click here.
UPDATE: Palin Loves Ted Cruz & Coal; Blames Obama
(October 16, 2013) Read our latest update on crazy Sarah Palin and the government shutdown, click here.
UPDATE: U.N.'s Health Arm Links Pollution To Cancer
(October 18, 2013) Read our latest update about the World Health Organization's new report, click here.
UPDATE: Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL
(April 14, 2014) Did you know America is poised to be the world's biggest carbon-based fuel producer by 2015? Read our latest article on the Keystone XL pipeline and the Canadian tar sands, click here.
UPDATE: Gov't Report: Climate Change Has Arrived
(May 6, 2014) Read our latest update about the Obama Administration's Third National Climate Assessment. Climate Change is here, click here.
UPDATE: Antarctic Glaciers Irreversibly Melting Away
(May 13, 2014) Read our latest update on how the melting of Antarctica may raise sea levels by 13 feet! Click here.
UPDATE: U.S. To Cut CO2 Emissions By 1/3 In 15 Yrs.
(June 4, 2014) Read our latest article on how the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) will crack down on coal in the U.S. Also, learn about what the People's Republic of China is doing to the world’s environment! Click here.
UPDATE: Oil Crash Could End Fracking & Oil Sands
(December 19, 2014) Read our article on how the drop in oil prices can destroy shale and tar sands oil, click here.
UPDATE: Mini Ice Age Coming In 2030: Scientists
(July 19, 2015) Read our article on how solar activity changes the Earth's climate, click here.
UPDATE: Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change
(August 20, 2015) Read our article on why nuclear power is the only realistic way to cut out all carbon, click here.
For related articles in the Frog Blog:
- Nuclear Power Is Best For Climate Change Click here.
- Mini Ice Age Coming In 2030: Scientists Click here.
- Oil Crash Could End Fracking & Oil Sands Click here.
- U.S. To Cut CO2 Emissions By 1/3 In 15 Yrs. Click here.
- Obama Likely To Approve Keystone XL Click here.
- U.N. Climate Report Spells Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Grew By 30% – Global Cooling? Click here.
- Keystone Pipeline Would Be A Disaster Click here.
- Arctic Ice Melts To Lowest Level Ever Click here.
- Climate-Change Deniers Gain In Congress Click here.
- Palin Blames "Greenies" For BP Oil Spill Click here.